I have mistyped an attribute for a patch and accidentally saved it. How can I correct that?
HA-Q-I-IKB-IC // Create a new attribute with the correct spelling and assign it to the patch it belongs to
HA-Q-I-IKB-IC // Create a new attribute with the correct spelling and assign it to the patch it belongs to
HA-Q-IKB // Open the Mod Matrix and make three modulations: Keytrack -> Pitch or three times Keytrack
HA-Q-IKB // The Expression Pedal must be assigned somewhere, otherwise it won't have any effect.
HA-Q-IKB-STVC // Any sustain pedal with a 6,3mm jack that closes the contact when being pressed should work...
HA-Q-I-IKB-IC // Go to Load>Actions>Import and select the .syx file on the card or USB stick...
HA-Q-IKB // In Latch Mode, a key is engaged when pressed and sustained until you hit the same key again
HA-Q-IKB // Open the patch where you want to neutralize the pitch bend controller.
HA-Q-I-IKB-IC // Turn a knob on the front panel or tap on the corresponding rectangle on the screen...
HA-Q-I-IKB-IC // Copy the patches onto an SD card. Copy the patches in a way that all patches...