Blofeld does not have an option to revert back to the factory settings.

You may manually revert the settings available through Shift+Global to:

Blofeld Factory Global Settings

  • Contrast > 39 / Popup Time > 1.5s
  • Auto Edit > ON
  • Master Tune > 440 / Transpose +0
  • MIDI Channel > omni / Device ID > 0 (00h)
  • Vel Curve > exponential / Clock > auto
  • Local Control > ON / Prg Send > ON
  • Ctrl Send > OFF / Ctrl Receive > OFF
  • Control W > 2 (02h) / Control X > 4 (04h)
  • Control Y > 11 (0Bh) / Control Z > 12 (0Ch)
  • Free Button > OFF / Pedal > REVERSED

To recover the factory sounds, download the MIDI file “Factory Sounds 2012” and transfer it to your Blofeld. You can find the download link at the end of the FAQ list.

If Blofeld gets stuck and does not react anymore, you may try these operations for soft resets:

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row.