Blofeld Keyboard EN2025-03-21T11:29:53+01:00

Waldorf makes the earth shake with the Blofeld Keyboard. Chiseled from the volcanic ores of the Eifel and filled with hot sonic magma, this unique force of nature offers everything that made Waldorf a legend.
The tone generation in the rock solid metal chassis with the high quality keyboard delivers the same fat and rich sound character that so many Waldorf users around the world love when they play their Q, Q+, Microwave, Microwave II/XT or even the flagship, the Wave. Yes, you heard me right. Not only can the Blofeld Keyboard reproduce the warm, organic sounds of the Waldorf Q, it even has a powerful wavetable engine, just like its ancestors with the “Wave” in their name.

This unique synthesis system is based on the revolutionary PPG synthesizers of the early 1980s. When you first hear the Blofeld, you’ll immediately remember those edgy, assertive or bell-like timbres that have been an integral part of countless global hits since the PPG era. And if all that isn’t enough, the Blofeld Keyboard includes 60 MB of non-volatile memory for samples that can be seamlessly incorporated into synthesis. Imagine adding a voice-like noise component to a typical wavetable surface, adding a crunchy velocity sample to a virtual-analog solo sound, or warping other samples with the myriad of oscillator and filter modulations.
You can play your sound creations on the high-quality keyboard, which is not only velocity sensitive, but also responds to aftertouch. Pitchbend and modulation wheel are at your disposal and of course you can connect a sustain pedal as well. All this is packed in a slim metal case with a large graphic display, stainless steel endless knobs and an internal power supply.
And despite the unbeatable price, there’s something extra:
Love greetings from Waldorf!

Blofeld Keyboard White

Blofeld Keyboard Black



  • sturdy Metal Enclosure
  • 7 endless stainless steel Dials
  • Graphic Display 128 x 64 pixels, b/w, white background LED
  • more than 1000 Sounds
  • 3 Oscillators per voice
  • Frequency Modulation between the Oscillators
  • All Q Oscillator Models
  • All Microwave II/XT/XTk Wavetables
  • 2 independent Multi Mode Filters per voice
  • Filter FM
  • 2 Drive stages per voice with selectable Drive Curves
  • 3 fast LFOs per voice
  • 4 fast Envelopes per voice
  • freely programmable Arpeggiator Pattern with up to 16 Steps per Sound
  • extensive multimode with 128 memory slots
  • up to 25 Voices
  • 16 part multi timbral
  • 5 Buttons
  • Volume knob
  • Power switch
  • Stereo out
  • Headphone out
  • MIDI-In
  • USB-Connection for MIDI In/Out
  • works with standard USB MIDI drivers of current operating systems
  • Windows ME minimum, Windows XP or newer recommended
  • Mac OS X 10.2 minimum, Mac OS X 10.3 or newer recommended
  • External universal power supply
  • stabiles Metallgehäuse
  • 7 Endlosregler aus Edelstahl
  • Grafikanzeige 128 x 64 Pixel, s/w, weiße LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung
  • mehr als 1000 Sounds
  • 3 Oszillatoren pro Stimme
  • Frequenzmodulation zwischen den Oszillatoren
  • Alle Q-Oszillatormodelle
  • Alle Microwave II/XT/XTk-Wavetables
  • 2 unabhängige Multimode-Filter pro Stimme
  • Filter FM
  • 2 Verzerrerstufen mit wählbaren Verzerrerkurven
  • 3 schnelle LFOs pro Stimme
  • 4 schnelle Hüllkurven pro Stimme
  • frei programmierbares Arpeggiator-Pattern pro Sound mit bis zu 16 Schritten
  • umfangreicher Multimode mit 128 Speicherplätzen
  • bis zu 25 Stimmen
  • 16-fach multitimbral
  • programmierbarer Multimode mit 128 Speicherplätzen
  • 7 Endlosregler aus Edelstahl
  • 5 Taster
  • Lautstärkeregler
  • Netzschalter
  • Stereoausgang
  • Kopfhörerausgang
  • MIDI-Eingang
  • USB-Anschluss für MIDI In/Out
  • arbeitet mit Standard USB MIDI-Treibern aktueller Betriebssysteme
  • Windows ME minimum, Windows XP oder neuer empfohlen
  • Mac OS X 10.2 minimum, Mac OS X 10.3 oder neuer empfohlen
  • Externes Universal-Steckernetzteil





Sound Demos

Sound Demos


To download the product images in original size, simply click on the image to start the download


FAQ + Download Area

FAQ + Download Area

We answer your most frequently asked questions about Blofeld Keyboard
We answer your most frequently asked questions about Blofeld Keyboard
Two errors happen in combination: the cutoff encoder only rarely works and DIN MIDI doesn’t work at all!2022-10-04T15:04:21+02:00

This is obviously caused by downgrading to an old OS. Please update to the most recent version. See the parent FAQ section on how to perform an update.

My display is dim and barely legible.2022-10-04T15:04:52+02:00

Please press Shift+Global. Turn the encoder left to the display a couple of clicks counterclockwise and change the Contrast value with the left encoder under the display.

I am looking for a reset or factory reset function, how can I do that?2023-07-12T16:09:08+02:00

Blofeld does not have an option to revert back to the factory settings.

You may manually revert the settings available through Shift+Global to:

Blofeld Factory Global Settings

  • Contrast > 39 / Popup Time > 1.5s
  • Auto Edit > ON
  • Master Tune > 440 / Transpose +0
  • MIDI Channel > omni / Device ID > 0 (00h)
  • Vel Curve > exponential / Clock > auto
  • Local Control > ON / Prg Send > ON
  • Ctrl Send > OFF / Ctrl Receive > OFF
  • Control W > 2 (02h) / Control X > 4 (04h)
  • Control Y > 11 (0Bh) / Control Z > 12 (0Ch)
  • Free Button > OFF / Pedal > REVERSED

To recover the factory sounds, download the MIDI file “Factory Sounds 2012” and transfer it to your Blofeld. You can find the download link at the end of the FAQ list.

If Blofeld gets stuck and does not react anymore, you may try these operations for soft resets:

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row.

All of the encoders dont work properly anymore.2022-10-04T15:09:11+02:00

Please perform a firmware update, see the matching point in the FAQ on how to perform it.

If this doesn’t help and if your device is older, the encoders have to be replaced. Please contact our support team via the form in the upper right corner.

Do not apply contact cleaner or similar agents to the encoders. This will not solve the issue for good and you risk damaging your device.

How much sample memory does Blofeld have and what’s the sample format?2022-10-04T15:09:45+02:00

As soon as the License SL is installed, Blofeld has about 60MB of sample memory. We recommend to load one of the factory samples into your Blofeld. These can be found in the Download section, which is available via the Home link in the upper right corner of this page.

The file format for own samples is .wav 44.1kHz 16bit mono. The Loop points and the root key need to be written into the meta header of the file with a compatible audio editor.

Is there an editor for my instrument?2022-10-04T15:10:20+02:00

We haven’t developed an editor for this instrument. You might find one from a third party developer. Please understand that we haven’t tested these editors and therefore we cannot give any recommendation and we assume no liability for this software.

Can I use my Blofeld Keyboard with the power grid in my country?2022-10-04T15:11:53+02:00

The device comes with a wide range power supply which covers everything between 50-60 Hz and 110-240V. You just need a power cord with a “figure of 8” cable, also known as C7 connector and the other plug matching the power grid standard in your country. A voltage converter is not needed.

What sustain pedal can I use with Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:12:25+02:00

Any sustain pedal with a 6,3mm jack that closes the contact when being pressed should work. Our recommendation is a Fatar/Studiologic VFP1/10. Only use a single pedal, dual pedals won’t work.

Pedals compatible with Fatar, Roland, Moog, Kurzweil, M-Audio should be working as well.

The Korg/Yamaha models may not work though.

Make sure not to press the pedal while you switch on Blofeld.

My Blofeld is stuck in Multi Mode and/or doesn’t react anymore!2022-10-04T15:13:02+02:00

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit. Then you should be able to work normally again.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row, this works as a reset function.

The use of channel 10 in Multi Mode can cause crashes. Please use other MIDI channels instead and leave channel 10 unused.

Some notes got stuck during playing or sustain infinetly. How can I stop them?2022-10-04T15:14:10+02:00

Use the PANIC function, this stops all currently played notes on Blofeld. Press Shift+Play.

If this happens repeatedly, this might be caused by too many incoming MIDI data on Blofeld. Deactivate the transmission of all unused CC messages to Blofeld.

My Blofeld Keyboard makes no sound when I play it through its own keys!2022-10-04T15:14:44+02:00

Please press Shift+Global, turn the encoder left to the display clockwise a couple of times and check if Blofeld has been accidentally set to MIDI Local OFF. Change it to ON.

Maybe you have used the Free Button with the Mute function. When the Free Button has been set to Mute and the button has been pressed, there is no other way to get Blofeld running again than by setting the Free Button to mute again and pressing the Mute button another time.

How can I tell if there’s License SL installed on Blofeld?2022-10-04T15:15:10+02:00

When a Blofeld Desktop has the License SL installed, the display will indicate SL LICENSED on the splash screen during boot up. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with the License SL pre-installed from the factory and does not indicate any special message on the splash screen during boot up.

I want to buy a soundset. Do I have to have License SL installed on the Blofeld for this?2022-10-04T15:15:36+02:00

This depends on the sound set. Some of the sound sets for Blofeld require the License SL option to be installed. It is indicated in the shop description of the sound set if this is the case. If the description does NOT say “requires License SL” then you don’t need License SL.

Why shouldn’t I get License SL for the Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:16:07+02:00

The Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL pre-installed. There’s no need to buy another License SL. The License SL which is sold separately is just for upgrading a Blofeld Desktop.

How can I tell which firmware version is installed?2022-10-04T15:16:34+02:00

When you switch on Blofeld, a splash screen will be shown with the current version number.

Blofeld Desktop indicates SL LICENSED on the display if a License SL has been installed afterwards. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL preinstalled and doesn’t show that indication during the boot up.

Where can I find the Settings menu?2022-10-04T15:17:28+02:00

Press Shift+Global.

I tried to update Blofeld or to load a sound set, but it didn’t work!2022-10-04T15:17:59+02:00

You were given a .mid file that needs to be transmitted to Blofeld.

If the installation wasn’t successful, this is mostly because the transmission went wrong.

Connect Blofeld directly to your computer, with no hubs or other hardware inbetween and with no other devices in the MIDI chain. If you’re using USB MIDI, try using DIN MIDI instead or vice versa. Make sure that the latest OS is installed on Blofeld.

Set the Sysex ID in the Global menu of Blofeld to 0 or 1.

Load the .mid file into your DAW and let Blofeld play that. Make sure SYSEX and CC transmission are enabled. Do not use Ableton Live or Bitwig. In addition, set the playback speed down to around 60bpm.

Alternatively you can also use our tool Spectre which you can download on the left side when you click on the Home link in the upper right corner.

The sound sets come with an installation manual each, please refer to them for further questions.

The encoders of my Blofeld don’t respond properly anymore!2022-10-04T15:18:31+02:00

Please, perform a firmware update as described in the FAQ. This fixes issues with the encoders, especially when the left one from the group of four encoders under the matrix behaves strangely.

If this doesn’t help please, contact our support team with the form available on the upper right corner of the page.

My Blofeld acts strange. What can I do?2022-10-04T15:19:17+02:00

First, please perform a firmware update. Download the firmware from the download section of this page. On top of this page, you will also find a guide on how to perform the update.

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit. Then you should be able to work normally again.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row, this works as a reset function.

The use of part 10 in Multi Mode (not MIDI channel) can cause crashes. Please use other parts instead and leave part 10 unused, muted.

Please set your Blofeld to these settings:

Blofeld Factory Global Settings

Contrast > 39 / Popup Time > 1.5s

Auto Edit > ON

Master Tune > 440 / Transpose +0

MIDI Channel > omni / Device ID > 0 (00h)

Vel Curve > exponential / Clock > auto

Local Control > ON / Prg Send > ON

Ctrl Send > OFF / Ctrl Receive > OFF

Control W > 2 (02h) / Control X > 4 (04h)

Control Y > 11 (0Bh) / Control Z > 12 (0Ch)

Free Button > OFF / Pedal > REVERSED

How do I install a new sound set or the factory sounds on Blofeld?2022-12-04T22:27:01+01:00

Soundsets for Blofeld consist of a .mid file. This has to be played back to Blofeld like a regular MIDI sequence.

Best if you use your DAW. Connect your Blofeld through USB or MIDI to your computer. Load the .mid file into a MIDI track of your DAW and play it back to your Blofeld. Reduce the playback speed to 60bpm and activate transmission of Sysex data.

This procedure won’t work with Ableton Live and Bitwig, as these DAWs don’t support Sysex data.

In some cases, the sound sets come with multiple files having the same name and “Bank A/B/C…”. This stands for the bank letter of the sound bank in Blofeld that will be overwritten with the new sound bank. Decide on which bank of your Blofeld the new sounds should be saved to and choose the corresponding file.

These files contain the same soundset. You should just transmit one of those to Blofeld, otherwise the same soundset will be present on several banks of Blofeld. Blofeld has only eight banks from A to H, it’s not possible to add another one.

Alternatively, you can use Spectre. Spectre is available in the download section at the end of the FAQ list. In Spectre, click on Audio/MIDI. Click on MIDI Output and select the connection where Blofeld is attached to. Now click onto Upgrade… in the main window of Spectre and select, which .mid file you want to transmit.

I now have SL License installed, what can I do with it? Why are there no samples on my Blofeld now?2022-10-04T15:23:04+02:00

The SL License upgrade just unlocks the Blofeld’s ability to use samples as a sound source. It does not install any samples by itself. You can install the Standard Factory Sample Content or the HGF Waveset from our download section, which is available via the Home link in the upper right corner of this page.

The samples can be accessed in the Oscillator Shape menu. Scroll all the way behind the wavetables to get to the sample section. Then, you can use a sample as an oscillation source.

Please note that these sounds are already installed on the Blofeld Keyboard.

Now you can start making your own sounds with samples. We also offer sound sets which have been programmed for Blofelds with License SL. Check them out here:

I have bought a boxed License SL on a disk, why can’t I install this one anymore?2022-10-04T15:24:40+02:00

Boxed versions of License SL cannot be used for an installation directly. We have stopped distributing these years ago, however, some shops still have some of those in stock. If you have bought one of these, please contact us using the contact form in the upper right corner of this page. Send us the code from the inside of the box and a copy of the invoice. Then, we will issue you a new code right away.

How can I tell if there’s License SL installed on Blofeld?2022-10-04T15:25:27+02:00

When a Blofeld Desktop has the License SL installed, the display will indicate SL LICENSED on the splash screen during boot up. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with the License SL pre-installed from the factory and does not indicate any special message on the splash screen during boot up.

Which sample set do I have to install after installing License SL?2022-10-04T15:27:50+02:00

You can either use the Standard Sample set or the HGF waveset. You can find the downloads for both of them in the download section on this page. Some of the additionally available sound sets are built on one of them, see their documentation for details.

I want to buy a soundset. Do I have to have License SL installed on the Blofeld for this?2022-10-04T15:28:26+02:00

This depends on the sound set. Some of the sound sets for Blofeld require the License SL option to be installed. It is indicated in the shop description of the sound set if this is the case. If the description does NOT say “requires License SL” then you don’t need License SL.

Why shouldn’t I get License SL for the Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:29:20+02:00

The Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL pre-installed. There’s no need to buy another License SL. The License SL which is sold separately is just for upgrading a Blofeld Desktop.

I tried to redeem the code for License SL in myWaldorf, but the system says the code is invalid.2022-10-04T15:30:36+02:00

Please use the inquiry form and send us the code that didn’t work. Attach a copy of the invoice and we will issue you a new code as soon as possible.

How can I update the firmware of my device?2024-08-02T11:02:32+02:00

At the end of the FAQ list you find all manuals and downloads.

We recommend loading the provided .mid files into your DAW and play them back to your device using standard MIDI playback at 60bpm. Note that this procedure doesn’t work with Ableton Live or Bitwig, please use a different DAW or your system’s standard media player.

You can also use our tool Spectre which can be found at the end of the FAQs.

How do I install License SL?2022-12-04T22:33:15+01:00

At the end of the FAQ list you find instructions and the required download links.

Where can I find the download section and the manuals?2023-09-27T17:17:14+02:00

At the end of the FAQ list you will find the download links for this product.

Are the outputs from my device balanced or unbalanced?2022-12-02T17:03:24+01:00

This device has unbalanced outputs. We recommend using it with unbalanced cables.

My device isn’t recognized via USB.2023-09-27T17:14:32+02:00

Make sure that your device is connected to your computer directly and not through a hub.

Use the rear USB ports of your computer, not the front USB ports.

Disconnect all other USB devices from your computer which aren’t needed at the moment.

Change the USB cable or try from a different computer.

On Mac: Click on About this Mac in the Apple menu. Select System Report. Go to the Hardware dropdown menu on the left and unfold it. Select USB. Check if your device is listed there.

On Windows: Press the Win key+R. Enter devmgmt.msc and press OK. Check if your device is listed there. If it shows up as an “Unknown Device” and if there’s a black and yellow warning sign, deinstall the driver. Then unplug the instrument, reboot your machine and plug it back in.

My device came with a coupon code for Waldorf Edition 2 LE, but the code cannot be redeemed in myWaldorf!2023-03-15T10:40:09+01:00

Please log in to your “myWaldorf” account. If you don’t have, please create one. Go to the shop, select the Waldorf Edition 2 LE and add it to your shopping cart.
Open the shopping cart and enter your code in the field provided. Click on “Apply voucher”. The amount should be set to zero.
After the purchase has been completed, you will find your activation data and download links for the plug-in under “Licence keys”.

Waldorf Edition 2 LE is a software bundle containing 3 plug-ins for your DAW. It’s not needed to run your device and it can’t be installed on your device either.

Blofeld says “bad DSP response!” and is bricked.2023-07-12T15:59:53+02:00

This error message indicates a possible hardware defect. Please, contact our support team for further instructions.

My Blofeld doesn’t connect via USB!2024-01-17T11:38:48+01:00

First, check if Blofeld is set to the MIDI Channel you’re sending data on. Press Shift+Global and turn the encoder a couple of clicks until you can see the Receive MIDI channel. Set the Receive MIDI channel value to the channel you’re sending data on or omni

Make sure that your Blofeld is connected to your computer directly and not through a hub.

Use the rear USB, not front USB connection.

Disconnect all other USB devices from your computer which aren’t needed at the moment.

Change the USB cable.

On Mac: Click on About this Mac in the Apple menu. Select System Report. Go to the Hardware dropdown menu on the left and unfold it. Select USB. Check if Blofeld is listed there.

On Windows: Press the Win key+R. Enter devmgmt.msc and press OK. Check if Blofeld is listed there. If Blofeld shows up as an “Unknown Device” and if there’s a black and yellow warning sign, deinstall the driver. Then unplug Blofeld, reboot your machine and plug Blofeld back in.

If this doesn’t work, switch your Blofeld on and off five times in a row. Don’t do this too fast, leave at least 1-2sec between switch operations.

My Blofeld is not recognized via USB on Windows 112024-01-17T11:45:53+01:00

If your Blofeld is not recognized by the computer under Windows 11, we recommend that you install OS 1.25 HS. Please send us an email to: and we will send you the corresponding update.

Does my device send audio via its USB connection?2023-09-27T17:12:30+02:00

No, this device only sends and receives MIDI via USB. Transferring audio via USB isn’t possible.

The line output signal level on my device is very low or distorted or noisy.2023-09-27T17:43:14+02:00

Make sure that the necessary cables are connected properly and that the introduced signals are the correct type. Also, the device must be powered correctly.

If that and the other hints described on the FAQs do not help, please contact your dealer. In case your device is out of warranty, please use the support form at the bottom page.

I want to sell my Blofeld with License SL. Does the License SL have to be transferred separately?2022-12-04T22:04:16+01:00

No. The License SL is bound to the device, not the owner. When the device is sold to a new owner, the license doesn’t need to be transferred separately.

I need spare parts for my device, where can I get them?2023-09-27T17:11:07+02:00

In the shop you will find a detailed overview. However, ordering and shipping is only possible in Europe.

I think I have to send my device in, how do I proceed? What do I have to do when I send my unit to Waldorf from outside the European Union?2023-09-27T17:10:04+02:00

First, make sure you’ve tried all the procedures above that are related to your issue.

If nothing helps and your device is still covered by warranty, please contact the retailer where this device has been bought.

All our devices come with 2 years of warranty. Depending on local law, some retailers only cover 1 year of warranty service. If your device has been bought more than one but less than two years ago, and your dealer refuses to do a warranty service repair, please contact the distributor for your area. You will find a list of them here:

If your device is out of warranty, please, use the button in the upper right corner. Please, give a precise description of the error. If it’s really necessary to send in your unit, we will issue an RMA form.

Wrap up your device safely. Ensure that it’s padded at least 5cm/2inches in ALL directions all around. Use a sturdy cardboard box and parcel tape. Do not use gaffers tape as this often becomes detached during transport. You are responsible for transport damages that result in improper wrapping. Best if you use the original padding and box, then wrap up the device as it was when you received it.

Fill out the RMA form on your computer. Print it out, sign it and put it INSIDE the box. We reserve the right to refuse working on devices which come with no error description.

IMPORTANT: When sending in your device from outside the EU

All packages must have a proforma invoice stuck on the OUTSIDE of the box. This is important for the customs duty. The contents of the parcel must be named and described exactly on the invoice, with declaration of the date of purchase and condition of the unit.

We would recommend to describe your device as defective and mark the contents of the parcel at a total value of 25€ or less. Otherwise, there will be extra fees (tax) from customs duties which we must pass onto you. No tax will be charged for goods with a value less than 25 €. Keep in mind that in case the parcel gets lost, the insurance of the post service (if applicable) will only refund the value marked in the declaration.

If the above points are not considered, please be aware that we must charge you the extra costs which arise through customs duty for storage and the additional handling etc. This would be an amount between 60 – 100 Euro.

Two errors happen in combination: the cutoff encoder only rarely works and DIN MIDI doesn’t work at all!2022-10-04T15:04:21+02:00

This is obviously caused by downgrading to an old OS. Please update to the most recent version. See the parent FAQ section on how to perform an update.

My display is dim and barely legible.2022-10-04T15:04:52+02:00

Please press Shift+Global. Turn the encoder left to the display a couple of clicks counterclockwise and change the Contrast value with the left encoder under the display.

I am looking for a reset or factory reset function, how can I do that?2023-07-12T16:09:08+02:00

Blofeld does not have an option to revert back to the factory settings.

You may manually revert the settings available through Shift+Global to:

Blofeld Factory Global Settings

  • Contrast > 39 / Popup Time > 1.5s
  • Auto Edit > ON
  • Master Tune > 440 / Transpose +0
  • MIDI Channel > omni / Device ID > 0 (00h)
  • Vel Curve > exponential / Clock > auto
  • Local Control > ON / Prg Send > ON
  • Ctrl Send > OFF / Ctrl Receive > OFF
  • Control W > 2 (02h) / Control X > 4 (04h)
  • Control Y > 11 (0Bh) / Control Z > 12 (0Ch)
  • Free Button > OFF / Pedal > REVERSED

To recover the factory sounds, download the MIDI file “Factory Sounds 2012” and transfer it to your Blofeld. You can find the download link at the end of the FAQ list.

If Blofeld gets stuck and does not react anymore, you may try these operations for soft resets:

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row.

All of the encoders dont work properly anymore.2022-10-04T15:09:11+02:00

Please perform a firmware update, see the matching point in the FAQ on how to perform it.

If this doesn’t help and if your device is older, the encoders have to be replaced. Please contact our support team via the form in the upper right corner.

Do not apply contact cleaner or similar agents to the encoders. This will not solve the issue for good and you risk damaging your device.

How much sample memory does Blofeld have and what’s the sample format?2022-10-04T15:09:45+02:00

As soon as the License SL is installed, Blofeld has about 60MB of sample memory. We recommend to load one of the factory samples into your Blofeld. These can be found in the Download section, which is available via the Home link in the upper right corner of this page.

The file format for own samples is .wav 44.1kHz 16bit mono. The Loop points and the root key need to be written into the meta header of the file with a compatible audio editor.

Is there an editor for my instrument?2022-10-04T15:10:20+02:00

We haven’t developed an editor for this instrument. You might find one from a third party developer. Please understand that we haven’t tested these editors and therefore we cannot give any recommendation and we assume no liability for this software.

Can I use my Blofeld Keyboard with the power grid in my country?2022-10-04T15:11:53+02:00

The device comes with a wide range power supply which covers everything between 50-60 Hz and 110-240V. You just need a power cord with a “figure of 8” cable, also known as C7 connector and the other plug matching the power grid standard in your country. A voltage converter is not needed.

What sustain pedal can I use with Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:12:25+02:00

Any sustain pedal with a 6,3mm jack that closes the contact when being pressed should work. Our recommendation is a Fatar/Studiologic VFP1/10. Only use a single pedal, dual pedals won’t work.

Pedals compatible with Fatar, Roland, Moog, Kurzweil, M-Audio should be working as well.

The Korg/Yamaha models may not work though.

Make sure not to press the pedal while you switch on Blofeld.

My Blofeld is stuck in Multi Mode and/or doesn’t react anymore!2022-10-04T15:13:02+02:00

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit. Then you should be able to work normally again.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row, this works as a reset function.

The use of channel 10 in Multi Mode can cause crashes. Please use other MIDI channels instead and leave channel 10 unused.

Some notes got stuck during playing or sustain infinetly. How can I stop them?2022-10-04T15:14:10+02:00

Use the PANIC function, this stops all currently played notes on Blofeld. Press Shift+Play.

If this happens repeatedly, this might be caused by too many incoming MIDI data on Blofeld. Deactivate the transmission of all unused CC messages to Blofeld.

My Blofeld Keyboard makes no sound when I play it through its own keys!2022-10-04T15:14:44+02:00

Please press Shift+Global, turn the encoder left to the display clockwise a couple of times and check if Blofeld has been accidentally set to MIDI Local OFF. Change it to ON.

Maybe you have used the Free Button with the Mute function. When the Free Button has been set to Mute and the button has been pressed, there is no other way to get Blofeld running again than by setting the Free Button to mute again and pressing the Mute button another time.

How can I tell if there’s License SL installed on Blofeld?2022-10-04T15:15:10+02:00

When a Blofeld Desktop has the License SL installed, the display will indicate SL LICENSED on the splash screen during boot up. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with the License SL pre-installed from the factory and does not indicate any special message on the splash screen during boot up.

I want to buy a soundset. Do I have to have License SL installed on the Blofeld for this?2022-10-04T15:15:36+02:00

This depends on the sound set. Some of the sound sets for Blofeld require the License SL option to be installed. It is indicated in the shop description of the sound set if this is the case. If the description does NOT say “requires License SL” then you don’t need License SL.

Why shouldn’t I get License SL for the Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:16:07+02:00

The Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL pre-installed. There’s no need to buy another License SL. The License SL which is sold separately is just for upgrading a Blofeld Desktop.

How can I tell which firmware version is installed?2022-10-04T15:16:34+02:00

When you switch on Blofeld, a splash screen will be shown with the current version number.

Blofeld Desktop indicates SL LICENSED on the display if a License SL has been installed afterwards. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL preinstalled and doesn’t show that indication during the boot up.

Where can I find the Settings menu?2022-10-04T15:17:28+02:00

Press Shift+Global.

I tried to update Blofeld or to load a sound set, but it didn’t work!2022-10-04T15:17:59+02:00

You were given a .mid file that needs to be transmitted to Blofeld.

If the installation wasn’t successful, this is mostly because the transmission went wrong.

Connect Blofeld directly to your computer, with no hubs or other hardware inbetween and with no other devices in the MIDI chain. If you’re using USB MIDI, try using DIN MIDI instead or vice versa. Make sure that the latest OS is installed on Blofeld.

Set the Sysex ID in the Global menu of Blofeld to 0 or 1.

Load the .mid file into your DAW and let Blofeld play that. Make sure SYSEX and CC transmission are enabled. Do not use Ableton Live or Bitwig. In addition, set the playback speed down to around 60bpm.

Alternatively you can also use our tool Spectre which you can download on the left side when you click on the Home link in the upper right corner.

The sound sets come with an installation manual each, please refer to them for further questions.

The encoders of my Blofeld don’t respond properly anymore!2022-10-04T15:18:31+02:00

Please, perform a firmware update as described in the FAQ. This fixes issues with the encoders, especially when the left one from the group of four encoders under the matrix behaves strangely.

If this doesn’t help please, contact our support team with the form available on the upper right corner of the page.

My Blofeld acts strange. What can I do?2022-10-04T15:19:17+02:00

First, please perform a firmware update. Download the firmware from the download section of this page. On top of this page, you will also find a guide on how to perform the update.

Switch Blofeld off and turn the encoder left to the display rapidly back and forth a couple of times while powering up the unit. Then you should be able to work normally again.

Also, press Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi,Shift+Multi quickly in a row.

Switch your Blofeld on and off 5 times in a row, this works as a reset function.

The use of part 10 in Multi Mode (not MIDI channel) can cause crashes. Please use other parts instead and leave part 10 unused, muted.

Please set your Blofeld to these settings:

Blofeld Factory Global Settings

Contrast > 39 / Popup Time > 1.5s

Auto Edit > ON

Master Tune > 440 / Transpose +0

MIDI Channel > omni / Device ID > 0 (00h)

Vel Curve > exponential / Clock > auto

Local Control > ON / Prg Send > ON

Ctrl Send > OFF / Ctrl Receive > OFF

Control W > 2 (02h) / Control X > 4 (04h)

Control Y > 11 (0Bh) / Control Z > 12 (0Ch)

Free Button > OFF / Pedal > REVERSED

How do I install a new sound set or the factory sounds on Blofeld?2022-12-04T22:27:01+01:00

Soundsets for Blofeld consist of a .mid file. This has to be played back to Blofeld like a regular MIDI sequence.

Best if you use your DAW. Connect your Blofeld through USB or MIDI to your computer. Load the .mid file into a MIDI track of your DAW and play it back to your Blofeld. Reduce the playback speed to 60bpm and activate transmission of Sysex data.

This procedure won’t work with Ableton Live and Bitwig, as these DAWs don’t support Sysex data.

In some cases, the sound sets come with multiple files having the same name and “Bank A/B/C…”. This stands for the bank letter of the sound bank in Blofeld that will be overwritten with the new sound bank. Decide on which bank of your Blofeld the new sounds should be saved to and choose the corresponding file.

These files contain the same soundset. You should just transmit one of those to Blofeld, otherwise the same soundset will be present on several banks of Blofeld. Blofeld has only eight banks from A to H, it’s not possible to add another one.

Alternatively, you can use Spectre. Spectre is available in the download section at the end of the FAQ list. In Spectre, click on Audio/MIDI. Click on MIDI Output and select the connection where Blofeld is attached to. Now click onto Upgrade… in the main window of Spectre and select, which .mid file you want to transmit.

I now have SL License installed, what can I do with it? Why are there no samples on my Blofeld now?2022-10-04T15:23:04+02:00

The SL License upgrade just unlocks the Blofeld’s ability to use samples as a sound source. It does not install any samples by itself. You can install the Standard Factory Sample Content or the HGF Waveset from our download section, which is available via the Home link in the upper right corner of this page.

The samples can be accessed in the Oscillator Shape menu. Scroll all the way behind the wavetables to get to the sample section. Then, you can use a sample as an oscillation source.

Please note that these sounds are already installed on the Blofeld Keyboard.

Now you can start making your own sounds with samples. We also offer sound sets which have been programmed for Blofelds with License SL. Check them out here:

I have bought a boxed License SL on a disk, why can’t I install this one anymore?2022-10-04T15:24:40+02:00

Boxed versions of License SL cannot be used for an installation directly. We have stopped distributing these years ago, however, some shops still have some of those in stock. If you have bought one of these, please contact us using the contact form in the upper right corner of this page. Send us the code from the inside of the box and a copy of the invoice. Then, we will issue you a new code right away.

How can I tell if there’s License SL installed on Blofeld?2022-10-04T15:25:27+02:00

When a Blofeld Desktop has the License SL installed, the display will indicate SL LICENSED on the splash screen during boot up. Blofeld Keyboard always comes with the License SL pre-installed from the factory and does not indicate any special message on the splash screen during boot up.

Which sample set do I have to install after installing License SL?2022-10-04T15:27:50+02:00

You can either use the Standard Sample set or the HGF waveset. You can find the downloads for both of them in the download section on this page. Some of the additionally available sound sets are built on one of them, see their documentation for details.

I want to buy a soundset. Do I have to have License SL installed on the Blofeld for this?2022-10-04T15:28:26+02:00

This depends on the sound set. Some of the sound sets for Blofeld require the License SL option to be installed. It is indicated in the shop description of the sound set if this is the case. If the description does NOT say “requires License SL” then you don’t need License SL.

Why shouldn’t I get License SL for the Blofeld Keyboard?2022-10-04T15:29:20+02:00

The Blofeld Keyboard always comes with a License SL pre-installed. There’s no need to buy another License SL. The License SL which is sold separately is just for upgrading a Blofeld Desktop.

I tried to redeem the code for License SL in myWaldorf, but the system says the code is invalid.2022-10-04T15:30:36+02:00

Please use the inquiry form and send us the code that didn’t work. Attach a copy of the invoice and we will issue you a new code as soon as possible.

How can I update the firmware of my device?2024-08-02T11:02:32+02:00

At the end of the FAQ list you find all manuals and downloads.

We recommend loading the provided .mid files into your DAW and play them back to your device using standard MIDI playback at 60bpm. Note that this procedure doesn’t work with Ableton Live or Bitwig, please use a different DAW or your system’s standard media player.

You can also use our tool Spectre which can be found at the end of the FAQs.

How do I install License SL?2022-12-04T22:33:15+01:00

At the end of the FAQ list you find instructions and the required download links.

Where can I find the download section and the manuals?2023-09-27T17:17:14+02:00

At the end of the FAQ list you will find the download links for this product.

Are the outputs from my device balanced or unbalanced?2022-12-02T17:03:24+01:00

This device has unbalanced outputs. We recommend using it with unbalanced cables.

My device isn’t recognized via USB.2023-09-27T17:14:32+02:00

Make sure that your device is connected to your computer directly and not through a hub.

Use the rear USB ports of your computer, not the front USB ports.

Disconnect all other USB devices from your computer which aren’t needed at the moment.

Change the USB cable or try from a different computer.

On Mac: Click on About this Mac in the Apple menu. Select System Report. Go to the Hardware dropdown menu on the left and unfold it. Select USB. Check if your device is listed there.

On Windows: Press the Win key+R. Enter devmgmt.msc and press OK. Check if your device is listed there. If it shows up as an “Unknown Device” and if there’s a black and yellow warning sign, deinstall the driver. Then unplug the instrument, reboot your machine and plug it back in.

My device came with a coupon code for Waldorf Edition 2 LE, but the code cannot be redeemed in myWaldorf!2023-03-15T10:40:09+01:00

Please log in to your “myWaldorf” account. If you don’t have, please create one. Go to the shop, select the Waldorf Edition 2 LE and add it to your shopping cart.
Open the shopping cart and enter your code in the field provided. Click on “Apply voucher”. The amount should be set to zero.
After the purchase has been completed, you will find your activation data and download links for the plug-in under “Licence keys”.

Waldorf Edition 2 LE is a software bundle containing 3 plug-ins for your DAW. It’s not needed to run your device and it can’t be installed on your device either.

Blofeld says “bad DSP response!” and is bricked.2023-07-12T15:59:53+02:00

This error message indicates a possible hardware defect. Please, contact our support team for further instructions.

My Blofeld doesn’t connect via USB!2024-01-17T11:38:48+01:00

First, check if Blofeld is set to the MIDI Channel you’re sending data on. Press Shift+Global and turn the encoder a couple of clicks until you can see the Receive MIDI channel. Set the Receive MIDI channel value to the channel you’re sending data on or omni

Make sure that your Blofeld is connected to your computer directly and not through a hub.

Use the rear USB, not front USB connection.

Disconnect all other USB devices from your computer which aren’t needed at the moment.

Change the USB cable.

On Mac: Click on About this Mac in the Apple menu. Select System Report. Go to the Hardware dropdown menu on the left and unfold it. Select USB. Check if Blofeld is listed there.

On Windows: Press the Win key+R. Enter devmgmt.msc and press OK. Check if Blofeld is listed there. If Blofeld shows up as an “Unknown Device” and if there’s a black and yellow warning sign, deinstall the driver. Then unplug Blofeld, reboot your machine and plug Blofeld back in.

If this doesn’t work, switch your Blofeld on and off five times in a row. Don’t do this too fast, leave at least 1-2sec between switch operations.

My Blofeld is not recognized via USB on Windows 112024-01-17T11:45:53+01:00

If your Blofeld is not recognized by the computer under Windows 11, we recommend that you install OS 1.25 HS. Please send us an email to: and we will send you the corresponding update.

Does my device send audio via its USB connection?2023-09-27T17:12:30+02:00

No, this device only sends and receives MIDI via USB. Transferring audio via USB isn’t possible.

The line output signal level on my device is very low or distorted or noisy.2023-09-27T17:43:14+02:00

Make sure that the necessary cables are connected properly and that the introduced signals are the correct type. Also, the device must be powered correctly.

If that and the other hints described on the FAQs do not help, please contact your dealer. In case your device is out of warranty, please use the support form at the bottom page.

I want to sell my Blofeld with License SL. Does the License SL have to be transferred separately?2022-12-04T22:04:16+01:00

No. The License SL is bound to the device, not the owner. When the device is sold to a new owner, the license doesn’t need to be transferred separately.

I need spare parts for my device, where can I get them?2023-09-27T17:11:07+02:00

In the shop you will find a detailed overview. However, ordering and shipping is only possible in Europe.

I think I have to send my device in, how do I proceed? What do I have to do when I send my unit to Waldorf from outside the European Union?2023-09-27T17:10:04+02:00

First, make sure you’ve tried all the procedures above that are related to your issue.

If nothing helps and your device is still covered by warranty, please contact the retailer where this device has been bought.

All our devices come with 2 years of warranty. Depending on local law, some retailers only cover 1 year of warranty service. If your device has been bought more than one but less than two years ago, and your dealer refuses to do a warranty service repair, please contact the distributor for your area. You will find a list of them here:

If your device is out of warranty, please, use the button in the upper right corner. Please, give a precise description of the error. If it’s really necessary to send in your unit, we will issue an RMA form.

Wrap up your device safely. Ensure that it’s padded at least 5cm/2inches in ALL directions all around. Use a sturdy cardboard box and parcel tape. Do not use gaffers tape as this often becomes detached during transport. You are responsible for transport damages that result in improper wrapping. Best if you use the original padding and box, then wrap up the device as it was when you received it.

Fill out the RMA form on your computer. Print it out, sign it and put it INSIDE the box. We reserve the right to refuse working on devices which come with no error description.

IMPORTANT: When sending in your device from outside the EU

All packages must have a proforma invoice stuck on the OUTSIDE of the box. This is important for the customs duty. The contents of the parcel must be named and described exactly on the invoice, with declaration of the date of purchase and condition of the unit.

We would recommend to describe your device as defective and mark the contents of the parcel at a total value of 25€ or less. Otherwise, there will be extra fees (tax) from customs duties which we must pass onto you. No tax will be charged for goods with a value less than 25 €. Keep in mind that in case the parcel gets lost, the insurance of the post service (if applicable) will only refund the value marked in the declaration.

If the above points are not considered, please be aware that we must charge you the extra costs which arise through customs duty for storage and the additional handling etc. This would be an amount between 60 – 100 Euro.

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