How can I redeem my coupon code
SO-ALLE // Go to the shop, select your product and add it to the shopping cart
SO-ALLE // Go to the shop, select your product and add it to the shopping cart
SO-ALLE // At the end of the FAQ list you'll find a download link.
SO-ALLE // Log in to your "my waldorf" account and select "License keys"
SO-ALLE // Log in to your "my waldorf" account and select "License keys"
SO-LECTOR // Download the vst3 presets from the download section under the Lector FAQ list
SO-ALLE // Our plugins are made to be used as an instrument in a DAW, like Ableton Live,
SO-ALLE // Right-click (Ctrl+click) the package you’ve downloaded, and select Open or go on Open with...
SO-ALLE // We made a system change in December 2016. Since then,
SO-ALLE // Enter the activation info manually, not with copy and paste.
SO-ALLE // We use our own in-house licensing system which is fully software based.