HEX DEZ Parameter Values
46 70 Strings Registration
47 71 Strings Octave Base/Both/8va 00/01/02
48 72 Strings Release
49 73 Strings Crescendo
4A 74 Strings Ensemble FX Type Strings/Both/Chorus 00/01/02
4B 75 Strings Ensemble FX On/Off
4C 76 Solo Tone
4D 77 Solo Tremolo
4E 78 Low/Layer/High 00/01/02
4F 79 Solo Env Decay/Release Type 00/01
50 80 Solo Attack
51 81 Solo Decay/Release Amount
52 82 Balance
5C 92 Animate Depth
5D 93 Phaser Depth
5E 94 Reverb Mix
66 102 Animate Rate
67 103 Phaser Rate
68 104 Reverb Size
B0 176 Vocoder On/Off 00/01


Additionally, you may use CTRL X in the Tweak Matrix. This links one CC directly to a modulation destination of your choice. The corresponding C of CTRL X can be selected in the System menu.