Microwave 1 Plugin


Vor 35 Jahren revolutionierte Waldorf Music mit dem Microwave den Musikmarkt. Der Synthesizer eroberte die Herzen der führenden MusikerInnen und Produzenten der 90er Jahre im Sturm.

Waldorf hat das Microwave 1 Plugin in mehrjähriger und leidenschaftlicher Kleinstarbeit sorgfältig aus der Originalhardware nachgebaut – mit all ihren Eigenheiten und Besonderheiten. Jedes klangliche Detail wurde analysiert und modelliert.‍ Der einzigartige Klang basierte auf selbst entwickelten digitalen und analogen Designs, lange bevor die folgenden Generationen DSP-basierter Instrumente entwickelt wurden.

Artikelnummer: 252545 Kategorie:


    Hier die wichtigsten Fakten. Für mehr Details gehe zur Produktseite.

    Digital Section (ASIC)
    Internally running with 250 kHz sampling rate to match original ASIC sampling rate.
    Modeling of digital-to-analog converters for each voice (DAC).
 Unique digital noise generator based on ASIC technology. Digital mixer of oscillators and noise based on original ASIC including overflow bug.

    All original wavetables of Microwave 1 based on the original coding and bit-identical to original.
    Including algorithmic and speech wavetables. Faithful recreation of 8-bit quantization and aliasing.
    Full waveform catalogue of original instrument can be accessed. User waveform editor.

    Faithful modeling of revision A and B analogue filters.
 Voice individual calibration of cutoff and resonance to model detuned hardware. 
Frequency response graphic animated by live modulations

    Modeling of voltage controlled analogue amplifiers and panning section.
    Faithful recreation of control voltage DACs including stepping effects.

    Recreation of unique envelope and LFO timings based of original 68k code.
Modeling of beautiful micro variations in timings due to limitations of the original hardware. Filter envelope with ADSR and additional delay parameter.
 Unique 8 stage wave envelope with variable key-off point and looping.

    Up to 8 instruments which can be layered and split or any combination of both. Split by key zone and velocity range. Multi instrument mixer with volume, panning, detuning, transpose and many more parameters. Individual tuning per instrument possible, Huge catalogue of all original multi sounds.

    8 voice polyphony like the original hardware. Dynamic assignment of the voices to the multi instruments.

    All factory single and multi presets included. 5 additional original sound sets.
2 new sound sets from contemporary sound designers.
    Can import original .mid and .syx files with preset dumps including user tables and wavetables.
    User presets store all additional data like user wavetables and tuning & velocity tables.

    Plug-in can be used to control original hard in single mode via MIDI interface,
    Control optionally in live mode where each control is transferred automatically.
    Configurable spectrum analyzer. – Resizable graphical user interface.

    macOS: VST, VST3, AudioUnit and AAX • Windows: VST, VST and AAX • Keine NKS Unterstützung

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