At the end of the FAQ list you will find the download links for this product.
After you have logged into your “myWaldorf” account, you will find a link “myHardware” below the “licence keys”. There you will find updates, init files and much more.
Make sure that your device is connected to your computer directly and not through a hub.
Use the rear USB ports of your computer, not the front USB ports.
Disconnect all other USB devices from your computer which aren’t needed at the moment.
Change the USB cable or try from a different computer.
On Mac: Click on About this Mac in the Apple menu. Select System Report. Go to the Hardware dropdown menu on the left and unfold it. Select USB. Check if your device is listed there.
On Windows: Press the Win key+R. Enter devmgmt.msc and press OK. Check if your device is listed there. If it shows up as an “Unknown Device” and if there’s a black and yellow warning sign, deinstall the driver. Then unplug the instrument, reboot your machine and plug it back in.
In general, you can use any commercially available SD card.
It should be formatted FAT32 or exFAT, which is standard when you buy a card. Special certifications (high speed cards – SDXC) for increased speed are not necessary and are more likely leading to misbehavior. A simple inexpensive SDHC card is usually quite sufficient.
However, we do not recommend using an SD card for storage purposes. The USB interface is much better suited, as it is more reliable and faster. An SD card is only needed when restoring the factory settings (full init). In this case, an SD card and a USB device are required. Of course, it can be practical to use an SD card if a keyboard or other USB controller is already connected to the USB host interface.
Since we have not tested all SD cards and the market is quite large, it is difficult to give a comprehensive recommendation.
Import:Â Copy the patches onto an SD card. Copy the patches in a way that all patches from one bank are within one folder on the card.
If you have bought a sound set, copy the entire directory with the sounds to the card. If there is a subfolder with samples, copy the entire directory so that the file structure is kept.
On your device, press Load>Actions>Import. Navigate to the card and mark the folder which contains the patches you want to import. Now the device asks where these files should be saved. Enter the number of the first slot into which the files should be imported. Press Import. The device now automatically imports all patches from the selected folder.
If OS 2.0 or higher is installed, the samples from the sub folder will be imported automatically as well and you can also use an USB stick instead of the card.
When you import an entire folder, all patches will be inserted into the slots in alphabetic order. Gaps between patches will be omitted and everything will be imported in one block.
Export: Please go to Load>Actions>Export. Here, you can select and export your patches.
From Version 2.0 and later, samples that belong to a patch will be exported automatically with the patch.
Turn a knob on the front panel or tap on the corresponding rectangle on the screen with the parameter name you want to control. In the context menu that appears afterwards, press MIDI Learn CC.
Move your external control or tap the field and enter the CC number. Now the device will change the value upon incoming CC messages.
To control volume, press Layer. Tap onto the Vol rectangle in the upper left corner. Assign your CC as described above.
You can also go to Global>MIDI>Mappings and assign your CCs there.
Note that the assignment is valid globally for all patches. Make sure that you’re sending the CCs on the correct MIDI channel so that you change the values on the correct layer.
You will have to use the Favorites list in order to get the Prog CH working.
Load a patch that you want to call up later. Go to a screen that is not Load/Save – for example, go to the Osc1 page.
Press on the Perform button or the central value encoder. This opens up the Favorites screen. Tap and hold an empty field to insert your current patch onto one of those fields. You can also use the Favorites function on the Load screen.
This device uses only to the entries in the Favorites lis when Prog CH messages are used. As soon as you have put the most needed patches there, you can call them up by MIDI.
Go to Load>Actions>Import and select the .syx file on the card or USB stick. The device will now ask where to save the patches after the import and starts processing them.
Every DX7 patch will create an individual patch on the device. Settings will be imported to Osc1 Kernel.
Maybe the routing will be changed so that Osc1 bypasses the filters and goes directly into the VCA. This can be changed manually in Filters>Routing.
Note that this will only work with OS 2.0 or higher installed.
Under the following link you can download a PDF in which the most important settings are explained.
To play a split sound via an external keyboard connected to the USB host port, the function: Apply Split to MIDI
must be activated. This can be found under: Global/MIDI/Inputs
Under the following link you can download a PDF with instructions.
Please log in to your “myWaldorf” account. Here you will find all the necessary files and instructions under “my hardware”.
Create a new attribute with the correct spelling and assign it to the patch it belongs to. Make sure that no patch uses the attribute with the typo. On the next reboot, the mistyped attribute will be removed from the list.
No, this device only sends and receives MIDI via USB. Transferring audio via USB isn’t possible.
First, please update the OS. We often release a new firmware with new features and we definetly recommend to do an update. The procedure takes less than a minute. You find the latest updates in your “myWaldorf” account under “myHardware”.
The OS is really stable so crashes rarely occur. If the device crashes anyway, please generate a system logfile by pressing Global>System>Support Log. Include your name and crash date in the file name when saving. Send us your file and we will have a look at your issue.
Make sure that the necessary cables are connected properly and that the introduced signals are the correct type. Also, the device must be powered correctly.
If that and the other hints described on the FAQs do not help, please contact your dealer. In case your device is out of warranty, please use the support form at the bottom page.
In the shop you will find a detailed overview. However, ordering and shipping is only possible in Europe.
First, make sure you’ve tried all the procedures above that are related to your issue.
If nothing helps and your device is still covered by warranty, please contact the retailer where this device has been bought.
All our devices come with 2 years of warranty. Depending on local law, some retailers only cover 1 year of warranty service. If your device has been bought more than one but less than two years ago, and your dealer refuses to do a warranty service repair, please contact the distributor for your area. You will find a list of them here:Â https://waldorfmusic.com/en/international-distributors
If your device is out of warranty, please, use the button in the upper right corner. Please, give a precise description of the error. If it’s really necessary to send in your unit, we will issue an RMA form.
Wrap up your device safely. Ensure that it’s padded at least 5cm/2inches in ALL directions all around. Use a sturdy cardboard box and parcel tape. Do not use gaffers tape as this often becomes detached during transport. You are responsible for transport damages that result in improper wrapping. Best if you use the original padding and box, then wrap up the device as it was when you received it.
Fill out the RMA form on your computer. Print it out, sign it and put it INSIDE the box. We reserve the right to refuse working on devices which come with no error description.
IMPORTANT: When sending in your device from outside the EU
All packages must have a proforma invoice stuck on the OUTSIDE of the box. This is important for the customs duty. The contents of the parcel must be named and described exactly on the invoice, with declaration of the date of purchase and condition of the unit.
We would recommend to describe your device as defective and mark the contents of the parcel at a total value of 25€ or less. Otherwise, there will be extra fees (tax) from customs duties which we must pass onto you. No tax will be charged for goods with a value less than 25 €. Keep in mind that in case the parcel gets lost, the insurance of the post service (if applicable) will only refund the value marked in the declaration.
If the above points are not considered, please be aware that we must charge you the extra costs which arise through customs duty for storage and the additional handling etc. This would be an amount between 60 – 100 Euro.