Version 1.1.0 is now available as a download for windows and mac in your Waldorf account under license keys/plugin downloads.
Here you can find the changelog pdf
We have answered the most important questions in a tutorial video:
The required directory was probably not created to the appropriate location in the macOS User Library by the installer due to a lack of access rights.
See the following  PDF for a solution – please take a look at the video links.
Since it is not possible (or rather difficult) for Windows to access a connected hardware in several places, you could try deselecting the Blofeld in the DAW device manager. This way the plugin can communicate with the hardware as the DAW itself does not use the USB port. Otherwise you have the problem that the Blofeld hardware is recognized in the plugin but cannot be selected.
Alternatively, you could try connecting your Blofeld via USB only when the DAW has already been started and you have already opened the Blofeld plugin.
Similar behavior has been described by other users who work with various DAWs on Windows.
Log in to your “my waldorf” account and select “license keys, plugin downloads”. Here you will find an overview of your activated licences, the activation data for your plugin and the required download links for macOS and Windows on the right hand side.
Log in to your “my waldorf” account and select “License keys”. Here you will find an overview of your activated licences, the activation data for your plug-in and the required download-links on the right hand side.
At the end of the FAQ list you’ll find a download link.
For the Microwave 1 Plugin manual use the following link:
Microwave 1 Plugin Manual
For the Blofeld Plugin manual use the following link:
Blofeld Plugin Manual
Please log in to your “myWaldorf” account. If you don’t have, please create one.
After logging in go to “Redeem Coupon”. Here you can enter the coupon code you received during the purchase. Afterwards go to “License Keys”. Here you’ll find your activation data for the plugin and the required download links for macOS and Windows on the right hand side.
This also applies to software coupon codes (incl. License SL) purchased from a third-party supplier like Thomann or APD…
To unlock your plugin you have to use the activation data, not the license key.